2024 Award Winners
Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Satya Gupta
DVCon India Exemplary Contribution in Design/Verification – Company
Samsung Semiconductor India Research
Outstanding Contribution in Design/Verification – Individual
Prakash Easwaran
Woman Achiever in Semiconductor Industry
Dr. Srobona Mitra
Best Educational Institution
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore
General Category
Best Paper
A Generic Clock UVC for Generating and Testing of High Speed PLL and CDR
Dipanshu, Mukesh Gandhi, Arnab Ghosh and Parag S Lonkar
Best Paper Runner-Up
SDV Aware Verification: Verification Challenges , Opportunities & Evolution around SW Defined Vehicles (SDV) & Zonal Architectures
Neha Srivastava
NXP Semiconductors
Best Paper
GenAI Leap in Formal Verification Testplanning
Anshul Jain, Karan Rawat and Pradip Prajapati
Best Paper Runner-Up
Navigating Instruction Length Decode: TAP into IP using Formal Verification
Vedprakash Mishra
Best Poster
Best Poster Winner
ML based regression accelerator
Nikhil Singla, Pandithurai Sangaiyah and Rohit Jindal
Best Poster Runner-Up
Generic Configurable Checker Architecture for functional verification accelerated with AI/ML
Chandana Nallangi and Pavitra Balasubramanian
Design Contest
Kuruppumullage Don Supun Dasantha Kuruppu, Dakshina Tharindu and Anuki Chamathka Pasqual
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
1st Runner up
Team Ash
Harshavardhan Reddy Narra, Sathwik Reddy Yadla and Surya Anirudh Gadhiraju
JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad
2nd Runner up
Team Sillycon
Sohan Pagar, Samhita Patil and Aditya Mathuriya
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat
Days Until Conference